Entry Level Flight Sticks 'The Logitech Extreme 3D Pro'
Logitech are known for quality products and a robust and customer friendly warranty claims process. The Extreme 3D Pro is no exception. With is 12 programable buttons, advanced controls with a twist-handle rudder, this joystick is stable and precise throughout acrobatic dogfights or long-range strikes. You will not find a flightsim game this is not suited to from upcoming Space Sims, modern Flight Sims to World War One and Two simulators this stick is competitive in all.
I am not going to through a heap of technical lingo out there because most people looking for this stick are looking for their 1st stick and if thats you, this is one you want.
This entry level stick will usually costs less than $40 USD, and widely consider money well spent with its 3 year warranty, I personally have owned the same 3D Pro since its release in 2009 and highly endorse it for the follow reasons:-
-Solid design, it works, it's comfortable.
-3 year warranty, you can get it replaced with little problem if required.
-its very accurate and functional at it's price point.
-I haven't found a game that does not support it, infact I can't find one that doesn't.
-I'm still using it 7 years later and the only reason I am upgrading to the VKB Gladiator is not for any reason but the new stick has a KG12 grip native to the WW2 time period.
3-year Limited hardware warranty
Windows® 8 and 8.1, Windows 7 or Windows Vista®, Windows® 10 70 MB of available hard disk space USB port Internet connection for optional software download
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